
Flavor chemistry is the scientific study of the chemical compounds and processes that give foods and other substances their taste and aroma. It involves the analysis of the volatile compounds and other chemical components that contribute to the sensory experience of a particular substance. Flavor chemistry can be used to develop new flavors, enhance existing ones, or to identify the chemical compounds responsible for off-flavors or other sensory defects.

Flavour Chemists are also known as 'flavorists'. They tackle the demands of the food processing industry and engineer the natural and the artificial flavours. They seek to modify or mimic various properties of the products rather than just creating abstract smells.

Flavorists use their deep knowledge of essential oils, flavor aromas, botanical extracts, and essences to recreate and intensify flavors from nature. They also create whole new flavors that people have only dreamed of

Various Paths To Follow

Path 1

  • 12th with…
  • B.Sc in C…
  • M.Sc in C…
  • PhD. In F…

Path 2

  • 12th with…
  • Bachelor'…
  • Master's …
  • PhD. In F…

Skills | Personality | Interests Required

Jobs, Future Prospects & Salaries

Future Prospect

Past Job Trends

Salary Growth In India

Min SalaryMax Salary
Entry Level2 Lakhs4.50 Lakhs
Middle Level4.50 Lakhs8.50 Lakhs
Senior Level8.50 Lakhs20.80 Lakhs

Salaries Across Globe

Famous Personalities