
A water tank cleaner is a person who clean and maintain the cleanliness of water storage tanks 

A water tank cleaner refers to an individual or professional who is responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of water storage tanks, who involves removing accumulated sediment, sludge algae, bacteria, and other contaminants from the interior surfaces of the tanks to ensure the cleanliness and safety of the stored water.

Various Paths To Follow

Path 1

  • Class 5th
  • NSQF Cert…
  • Practical…

Skills | Personality | Interests Required

Jobs, Future Prospects & Salaries

Future Prospect

Past Job Trends

Salary Growth In India

Min SalaryMax Salary
Entry Level96 Thousands1.80 Lakhs
Middle Level1.80 Lakhs2.50 Lakhs
Senior Level2.50 Lakhs4.80 Lakhs

Salaries Across Globe

Famous Personalities

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