
An entomologistis someone who specifically focuses on the scientific study of insects, with most entomologists focusing on a specific type of insect.

An entomologistis a scientist who studies insects. Entomologists also study urban pests, forest pests, agricultural pests and medical and veterinary pests and their control. These scientists may work with beneficial insects like honeybees, silkworms, ladybird beetles and parasitic wasps.

Various Paths To Follow

Path 1

  • 12th with…
  • Bachelor'…
  • Master’s …
  • Ph.D in E…

Path 2

  • 12th with…
  • B.Sc in E…
  • M.Sc. in …
  • Ph.D in E…

Skills | Personality | Interests Required

Jobs, Future Prospects & Salaries

Future Prospect

Past Job Trends

Salary Growth In India

Min SalaryMax Salary
Entry Level180000615528
Middle Level6155281860000
Senior Level18600003000000

Salaries Across Globe

Famous Personalities


William Kirby

William Kirby was an English entomologist, an original member of the Linnean Society and a Fellow of the Royal Society, as well as a country rector, so that he was an eminent example of the "parson-naturalist". He is considered the "founder of entomology".
