
Conservation is the protection of things found in nature. A conservation scientist is someone who manages the overall land quality of forests, parks, rangelands, and other natural resources.

A Conservation Scientist protects, manages, and improves natural resources. They typically work with state, local, and federal governments and private landowners to safeguard the environment by discovering ways to improve and use the land. They will evaluate environments to include studying forest and soil quality.

Various Paths To Follow

Path 1

  • 12th with…
  • Bachelor'…
  • Master's …

Path 2

  • 12th with…
  • B.Sc in Z…
  • M.Sc For…
  • Ph.D in E…

Path 3

  • 12th with…
  • Bachelor'…
  • Master's …
  • Ph.D in E…

Skills | Personality | Interests Required

Jobs, Future Prospects & Salaries

Future Prospect

Past Job Trends

Salary Growth In India

Min SalaryMax Salary
Entry Level600000936000
Middle Level12000002028000
Senior Level20280003000000

Salaries Across Globe

Famous Personalities


Latika Nath

Latika Nath is an Indian author, photographer and wildlife conservationist. Featuring her work, in 2001, she was awarded the title of 'The Tiger Princess' by National Geographic which featured her in a one-hour documentary film. She has worked since 1990 for the conservation of tigers in India.
