SQAAF Training

About SQAAF Training : stands for "Skills Quality Assurance and Assessment Framework." It is a framework developed by the Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) in India to ensure quality assurance and assessment of skills training programs across various sectors. The SQAAF framework aims to standardize and streamline the process of skill development and assessment by providing guidelines, standards, and procedures for designing, delivering, and evaluating training programs. It emphasizes the importance of aligning training outcomes with industry requirements and ensuring that learners acquire the relevant skills and competencies needed for employment or further education. eMango could potentially contribute to SQAAF training in several ways

How eMango is helping in SQAAF Training - eMango can impart financial literacy skills among students through various methods:

  1. Curriculum Development: eMango could collaborate with industry experts and training providers to develop curriculum materials aligned with SQAAF standards and guidelines. This might involve creating training modules, instructional resources, and assessment tools that meet the requirements of SQAAF.
  2. Training Delivery: eMango could offer training programs or workshops for trainers and educators on implementing SQAAF-compliant training practices. This could include sessions on curriculum delivery, assessment methods, and best practices for ensuring quality assurance in skills training.
  3. Capacity Building: eMango could provide capacity-building support to training providers, helping them enhance their capabilities in delivering SQAAF-compliant training programs. This might involve offering train-the-trainer programs, mentoring support, or professional development opportunities for trainers and educators.
  4. Quality Assurance: eMango could assist in monitoring and evaluating the quality of SQAAF training programs, ensuring that they meet established standards and deliver desired learning outcomes. This could involve conducting assessments, audits, or reviews of training providers' practices and performance.